
SharePoint 2010 OOTB Features

The following are the features installed by SharePoint 2010 Enterprise.  I frequently need to find what a feature is associated with a feature id during development, and hence the table. As all feature titles and descriptions are localized, I have extracted the localized strings for each of the strings from english langauge installation. Hope this helpful.       Feature Id Feature Name Scope Hidden Solution Id 2acf27a5-f703-4277-9f5d-24d70110b18b Advanced Web Analytics Reports Site True 5fee007f-3729-4a78-86fb-688d8597713c   This feature is advanced Web Analytics Reports for the site collection 8e947bf0-fe40-4dff-be3d-a8b88112ade6 Web Analytics Web Part Site True 5fee007f-3729-4a78-86fb-688d8597713c   The feature is a web part to display popular content, search queries and search results.

Use CAML Query to Read Data from lists or Libraries

One way to read the data from a list or a library is to iterate through it using the items collection of the list or library. But this is not the most efficient way to do it, specially if only few items are needed from this list. Enter CAML Queries. The following is the example query <where> <eq> <fieldref name="Title"> <value type="Text">title</value> </fieldref> </eq> </where> One thing to note in the CAML Query is that there is start and end tag.

Sharepoint Delay Activity Timer

Sharepoint Delay Activity is rounded off to the minute interval that is setup for ‘job-workflow’ property. This is because the job is responsible for waking up the workflow at the specified time. This job is usually set to run every 5 minutes. It is easy to change (increase or decrease) this value. To get the current job interval value: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\stsadm -o getproperty -pn job-workflow -url http://siteaddress< Or to change it every minute C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\stsadm -o setproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -url http://siteaddress -pv "every 1 minutes between 0 and 59" Just be careful about this on production server, as it would create extra load if set to 1 minute interval.

Sharepoint 'Unknown Error' Solution

Sharepoint is very bad when it comes to showing useful error. Even the log files does not contain information that can be considered useful. This is a big problem specially when programming webpart and other extensions. To change this behavior and get sharepoint to display detailed message Modify your web.config to set the following: <SafeMode ... CallStack="true" ...> <customErrors mode="Off" /> <compilation batch="true" debug="true"> All three of the modifications are required for full debug output.

Create a SharePoint Content Type programmatically

Sometimes it is necessary to create a Sharepoint Content Type by code, specially when batch creating content types.  The following code snippet shows how a sharepoint content type can be created in C#.  I have also included some not-so-simple field types like choice and lookup. using (SPSite p_site = new SPSite(urlToSite)) { using (SPWeb p_web = p_site.OpenWeb()) { SPContentType CustomContentType = new SPContentType(p_web.AvailableContentTypes["ParentContentType"], p_web.ContentTypes, "MyContentType"); // A string Field p_web.Fields.Add("NumberColumn",

Add choices to Sharepoint Multi-Choice Field

Setting field values of a list item in SharePoint is easy.  But when it comes to Multi-Choice fields, the code is a big different.  The following code shows how values can be added to a multi-choice field. SPFieldMultiChoice choiceField = (SPFieldMultiChoice)myWeb.Fields["choiceFieldName"]; choiceField.Choices.Add("Value"); //Set PushChangesToLists to true if automatic update of List or Content types is required choiceField.PushChangesToLists = false; choiceField.Upate();

70-542 Study Resources

This is the collection of resources I have gathered over the course of my preparation for the Microsoft Exam 70-542. The primary reason for collection this information is that there is no comprehensive resource for this exam available on the net, unless one opts for a paid resources. After working more or less exclusively on SharePoint 2007 for last 2 years, I see no reason for me to go for paid resources.